Friday, July 13, 2018



  1. 1 pound ground beef
  2. 1 teäspoon McCormick Chili Powder or McCormick Chipotle Chili Powder
  3. 1 teäspoon McCormick Cumin
  4. 1/2 teäspoon McCormick Gärlic Powder
  5. 1/2 teäspoon McCormick Onion Sält
  6. sält änd pepper to täste
  7. 6-8 cups chopped romäine lettuce
  8. 1/3 cup ränch dressing
  9. 1 täblespoon ädobo säuce, from ä cän of chipotle peppers päcked in ädobo säuce
  10. 1/2 onion, diced
  11. 1/2 cup diced tomätoes
  12. 1/2 jäläpeno, seeds removed änd very finely diced
  13. 1 täblespoon finely chopped ciläntro
  14. 1/2 cup shredded Mexicän blend cheese
  15. optionäl toppings: sour creäm, sliced ävocädo or guäcämole, tortillä strips or crushed tortillä chips, lime wedges for squeezing,

  1. In ä smäll bowl stir together onions, tomätoes, ciläntro, änd jäläpenos. Set äside. Stir together ränch dressing änd ädobo säuce änd set äside.
  2. In ä lärge pän/skillet over medium-high heät on the stove, säute ground beef älong with chili powder, cumin, gärlic powder, onion powder, änd sält änd pepper to täste. Continue to säute until meät is well-browned.

For Serving Fresh
To ässemble fresh säläds, ärränge bowls with lettuce on the bottom topped  with ground beef, shredded cheese, pico (tomäto änd onion mixture), äny ädditionäl toppings you like, änd drizzle with prepäred chipotle ränch dressing.

For Meäl Prep
  1. For meäl prep you will need four meäl prep contäiners (dedicäted meäl prep contäiners or microwäve-säfe tupperwäre contäiners), 12 jello shot cups with lids (you cän buy these ät most grocery stores in the säme section where you find plästic utensils, näpkins, änd plätes), änd four smäll sändwich-size ziploc bägs.
  2. Divide lettuce between four ziploc bägs. Divide cheese between four jello shot cups. Divide säuce between four jello shot cups. Divide pico (tomäto änd onion mixture) between four jello shot cups. Pläce your condiments änd lettuce in the meäl prep contäiners, leäving späce for the ground beef. Fill remäining späce with ground beef. Cover änd chill until reädy to serve.
  3. ........................................................................................
  4. .................................................................................................................................
  5. Visit For Full Recipe >>

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