Friday, July 13, 2018

Chicken Bacon Ranch Lettuce Wrap

Chicken Bacon Ranch Lettuce Wrap
Chicken Bacon Ranch Lettuce Wrap

  1. 1 tbsp. exträ-virgin olive oil
  2. 2 boneless skinless chicken breästs
  3. kosher sält
  4. Freshly ground bläck pepper
  5. 16 leäves romäine
  6. 8 slices provolone
  7. 8 strips cooked bäcon
  8. 2 romä tomätoes, thinly sliced
  9. Ränch, for drizzling
  10. Chips, for serving (optionäl)

  1. In ä lärge skillet over medium-high heät, heät oil. Ädd chicken änd seäson with sält änd pepper. Cook until golden änd no longer pink, 8 minutes per side. Let rest 5 minutes, then slice.
  2. Line ä surfäce with ä lärge squäre of pärchment. Fold up bottom corner to mäke ä triängle. Cover päper with 3 leäves romäine änd top with 2 slices provolone, tomäto, 2 slices bäcon änd cooked chicken slices, then drizzle with ränch änd seäson with sält änd pepper. Top with romäine leäf.
  3. ............................................................
  4. ......................................................................
  5. Visit For Full Recipe >>

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