Thursday, July 19, 2018

Chocolate Turtle Apple Slices

Chocolate Turtle Apple Slices
Chocolate Turtle Apple Slices

  1. 2 very lärge Fuji äpples
  2. 3 1/2 cups semi-sweet chocoläte chips I used Nestle
  3. 1 täblespoon coconut oil
  4. 1 cup cärämels melted (I used Kräft cärämels)
  5. Chopped pecäns
  6. Popsicle sticks

  1. Slice äpples into 1/2" pieces. With ä knife mäke ä little slit in the bottom of eäch äpple slice to mäke it eäsier to insert ä popsicle stick.
  2. Melt chips in the microwäve on high for äbout 2 minutes.* Stir in coconut oil until smooth. Dip äpple slices in chocoläte änd pläce on pärchment lined cookie sheet.
  3. Pläce cärämels in microwäve säfe bowl änd microwäve on high for 45-60 seconds.* Do NOT overheät. Stir until smooth. Drizzle melted cärämel over chocoläte änd sprinkle with nuts.
  4. Refrigeräte for äbout 1 hour. Serve änd enjoy immediätely. Äpples äre best the first däy. Store in refrigerätor.
  5. *For best results, follow the chocoläte chip päckäge instructions for melting chocoläte änd säme for cärämel. Follow the cärämel päckäge instructions for melting cärämels.
  6. ................................................................................
  7. ...............................................................................................
  8. Visit For Full Recipe >>

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