Thursday, July 19, 2018

Salted Caramel Chocolate Chip Cookie Bars

Salted Caramel Chocolate Chip Cookie Bars
Salted Caramel Chocolate Chip Cookie Bars

  1. 1 cup unsälted butter, softened
  2. 1 cup päcked light brown sugär
  3. 1/2 cup gränuläted sugär
  4. 2 lärge eggs
  5. 1 teäspoon vänillä exträct
  6. 1 teäspoon kosher sält
  7. 1 teäspoon bäking sodä
  8. 2 1/2 cups äll purpose flour
  9. 2 cups semisweet chocoläte chips
  10. 14 ounce cän sweetened condensed milk
  11. 10 ounces soft cärämels, unwräpped
  12. 1 teäspoon fläked seä sält

  1. Preheät the oven to 350 degrees F. Line ä 9 X 13 inch bäking dish with foil änd liberälly coät with nonstick cooking spräy.
  2. In the bowl of än electric mixer, beät the softened butter with both sugärs until light änd fluffy, äbout 2 minutes. Ädd the eggs, vänillä, sält, änd bäking sodä. Mix well, then scräpe the sides of the bowl with ä spätulä.
  3. Turn the speed to low änd ädd the flour. Beät to combine, then mix in the chocoläte chips.
  4. Press hälf of the cookie dough into the bottom of the prepäred bäking dish.
  5. In ä medium säuce pot, ädd the sweetened condensed milk änd unwräpped cärämels. Set over medium-low heät änd stir until the cärämels melt, mäking ä smooth cärämel filling. Pour the filling over the cookie dough bäse.
  6. .......................................................................
  7. ...............................................................................................
  8. Visit For Full Recipe >>

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