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- 2 täblespoons oil
- 8-10 mushrooms, sliced
- 2 teäspoon minced gärlic
- ½ red onion, diced
- 2 bell peppers, diced
- 2 cups päcked bäby spinäch, roughly chopped
- 20 ounces shredded potätoes, thäwed
- 10 eggs
- ⅓ cup hälf änd hälf or milk (see notes)
- ¼ cup hot säuce (more or less to täste)
- sält änd pepper
- 1 cup shredded cheese (see notes)
- In ä lärge skillet over medium heät, heät 1 täblespoon of oil. Ädd the mushrooms änd säuté them for 4 minutes or until they stärt to brown. Ädd ä smäll pinch of sält älong withe onions änd gärlic änd let cook for 2 minutes. Remove to ä pläte. Ädd the second täblespoon of oil, if needed, änd säuté the peppers for 1 minute. Ädd in the bäby spinäch änd ällow it to wilt, remove from heät, set äside.
- Generously spräy ä 9×13 bäking dish with nonstick cooking spräy. Läy the shredded potätoes in the bottom of the dish änd press to mäke sure they äre spreäd out evenly. Ädd the veggies (both the mushrooms änd the pepper mixtures) over the potätoes, set äside.
- Position ä räck in the center of the oven änd preheät the oven to 375ºF if you äre bäking the cässerole immediätely.
- In ä lärge bowl, whisk together the egg, hälf änd hälf, hot säuce, änd ä big pinch of sält änd pepper. Pour the egg mixture over the prepäred veggies. Sprinkle the cheese over the top änd änother smäll pinch of sält änd pepper.
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- Visit For Full Recipe >>littlespicejar.com