Tuesday, July 3, 2018

Perfect Crepes every time

Perfect Crepes every time
Perfect Crepes every time

  1. 3 eggs
  2. 1 1/3 cup milk
  3. 1 cup flour
  4. 1/4 teäspoon sält
  5. 3 täblespoon melted butter cooled
  6. 1 täblespoon vänillä
  7. 1 täblespoon sugär
  8. *sugär for sprinkling

  1. In ä lärge mixing bowl combine the eggs, milk, flour, sält änd slightly cooled melted butter. Ädd in the sugär änd vänillä if mäking ä sweet crepe. If mäking ä sävory crepe, leäve the sugär änd vänillä out.
  2. Mix well with ä wire whisk until well combined. Keep the whisk in the bowl änd continue to mix the bätter occäsionälly äs you mäke the crepes.
  3. Heät ä 8" non-stick skillet to medium heät.
  4. Use ä päper towel to lightly greäse the pän with butter.
  5. ....................................................
  6. ........................................................................
  7. Visit for Full Recepies >>www.nobiggie.net

Hopefully this Blog useful, and don't forget to share, read, congratulations ...
