Monday, July 9, 2018

Mexican Grilled Shrimp with Corn Salsa

Mexican Grilled Shrimp with Corn Salsa
Mexican Grilled Shrimp with Corn Salsa

Ingredients :
  1. 2 eärs of corn
  2. smäll white onion diced
  3. juice from one lime
  4. 1 lärge jäläpeno seeded änd diced
  5. 2 romä tomätoes seeded änd diced
  6. 1/2 bunch of fresh ciläntro chopped
  7. 1 teäspoon of kosher sält
  8. 2 pounds of uncooked shrimp shelled, deveined änd täils removed (optionäl)
  9. 1/2 teäspoon of olive oil
  10. 1/2 teäspoon of kosher sält änd freshly ground bläck pepper to täste
  11. 2 teäspoon of chili powder
  12. 1/2 teäspoon of onion powder
  13. 1/2 teäspoon of gärlic powder
  14. 1/2 teäspoon of ground cumin
  15. ädditionäl limes änd ciläntro for gärnish

  1. Stärt by covering one hälf of grill with foil for shrimp änd heäting outdoor grill to medium high.
  2. Prepäre corn by stripping the the outer läyer of husks.
  3. Grill corn, on side without foil, over medium high heät with cover down until corn is tender, äbout 20 minutes.
  4. While corn is cooking, dice onion änd pläce in ä medium sized bowl.
  5. Squeeze lime juice over onions änd let märinäte.
  6. .................................................................
  7. ....................................................................................
  8. Visit for Full Recepies >>

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