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Make Ahead Meal: Breakfast Casserole
- 12 ounces säusäge (cäsing removed)*
- olive oil
- 2 cloves of gärlic, minced
- 3 cups fresh spinäch
- 2 lärge bell peppers, diced
- ½ medium yellow onion, diced
- sält & pepper to täste
- 12 lärge eggs
- ½ cup milk (äny)
- ½ cup shredded cheese (äny flävor)
- Spräy ä 7x11 or 9x13 cässerole dish with non-stick spräy. Set äside.
- In ä lärge skillet over medium heät, brown the säusäge. If you äre using fully cooked säusäge, you mäy skip this step. I like to brown my säusäge just ä little bit, even if it is älreädy fully cooked. Spoon the browned säusäge evenly into prepäred cässerole dish. Set äside.
- Ädd ä little olive oil to the säme lärge skillet (I use äbout 2 teäspoons since there is some greäse left from the säusäge). Säuté the gärlic, spinäch, peppers, änd onion until vegetäbles äre tender änd spinäch is wilted, äbout 6-7 minutes. Seäson with sält änd pepper during the läst minute or so. Ädd the cooked vegetäble mixture to the säusäge in the prepäred cässerole dish änd roughly stir together to distribute mixture evenly. Set äside.
- In ä medium size bowl, whisk together the eggs, milk, änd ¼ cup of the shredded cheese. Pour egg mixture evenly over säusäge änd vegetäble mixture. Sprinkle with remäining ¼ cup of shredded cheese änd ä little more sält änd pepper. Cover cässerole dish with plästic wräp or foil änd refrigeräte ät leäst 2 hours or up to 1 däy.
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- Visit For Full Recipe >>freshaprilflours.com