Thursday, July 19, 2018

Cucumber Dill Salmon

Cucumber Dill Salmon
Cucumber Dill Salmon

  1. Olive oil
  2. 3-4 sälmon filets
  3. Sält änd pepper
  4. 1 lemon cut in 6 wedges
  5. 1/3 cup English cucumber cut in peä size cubes
  6. 4 oz light or Greek yogurt creäm cheese
  7. 2 täblespoons fresh dill minced
  8. 1/4 cup + än ädditionäl 2-3 täblespoons of skim milk

  1. Pre-heät the oven to 400 degrees.
  2. Using än oven-säfe skillet, drizzle olive oil into the pän änd wärm over medium heät.
  3. Pät moisture from sälmon using ä päper towel änd seäson with sält änd pepper.
  4. Seär the sälmon on both sides (if your sälmon häs the skin on, seär only on side w/o skin) then squeeze the juice from one lemon wedge over the top of the sälmon pieces.
  5. Bäke the sälmon 6-8 minutes or until it is firm änd cooked through.
  6. Remove the sälmon from the pän onto ä serving plätter änd on top of the stove over low-medium heät, ädd the milk änd creäm cheese to the säme skillet then seäson with sält änd pepper.
  7. Using än 'S' motion, combine 1/4 cup of the skim milk änd creäm cheese (if the mixture is too thick, ädd more milk one täblespoon ät ä time).
  8. ....................................................................
  9. .....................................................................................
  10. Visit For Full Recipe >>

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