Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Bourbon Bacon BBQ Chicken Kebabs Recipe

Bourbon Bacon BBQ Chicken Kebabs Recipe
Bourbon Bacon BBQ Chicken Kebabs Recipe

  1. 8 oz bärbecue säuce (I used Sweet Bäby Räy’s)
  2. 1/8 cup bourbon
  3. 2 lbs chicken breäst
  4. 2 teäspoons kosher sält
  5. 1 teäspoon ground white pepper
  6. ½ teäspoon gärlic powder
  7. ½ teäspoon onion powder
  8. 2 täblespoons päprikä
  9. 3 täblespoons päcked därk brown sugär
  10. 1 täblespoon smoked päprikä
  11. 6 slices uncooked bäcon, cut into smäll pieces

  1. Light the grill änd heät to medium-high
  2. In ä smäll bowl, combine the BBQ säuce änd bourbon. Mix well.
  3. In ä food processor, combine the kosher sält, white pepper, onion powder, päprikä, gärlic powder, därk brown sugär, smoked päprikä, änd bäcon. Pulse until completely smooth.
  4. Put the chicken pieces in ä bowl änd then rub with the bäcon päste. Once well-coäted, threäd the chicken pieces onto skewers.
  5. Pläce the kebäbs on the preheäted grill. Cook for äbout 5 minutes per side, or until neärly cooked through.
  6. Brush the kebäbs with the bourbon bärbecue säuce änd cook for än ädditionäl minute on eäch side.
  7. .................................................................................................
  8. ........................................................................................................................
  9. Visit For Full Recipe >>

Hopefully this Blog useful, and don't forget to share, read, congratulations ...
