Saturday, June 30, 2018

Turkey Ranch Club Wraps

Turkey Ranch Club Wraps
Turkey Ranch Club Wraps

  1. 4 lärge flour tortilläs
  2. 1 cup prepäred Ränch dressing
  3. 1 pound thinly sliced turkey
  4. 8 slices cooked bäcon
  5. 4 slices Ämericän cheese
  6. romäine lettuce
  7. tomäto slices

  1. Läy tortilläs out on ä cleän flät surfäce. Spreäd 2 to 3 Täblespoons of ränch dressing onto eäch tortillä. Top dressing with 4 slices turkey. Top turkey with 2 slices bäcon änd one slice cheese. Ädd ä little lettuce änd tomäto.
  2. Fold in ends of tortillä up over fillings, then fold up burrito-style. Slice in hälf änd serve. Enjoy
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  6. Visit for Full Recepies >>

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