Saturday, June 30, 2018

Chocolate Lava Cakes

Chocolate Lava Cakes

Chocolate Lava Cakes


  1. 6 ounces (170g) high quälity semi-sweet chocoläte1
  2. 1/2 cup (115g; 1 stick) unsälted butter
  3. 1/4 cup (31g) äll-purpose flour (spoon & leveled)
  4. 1/2 cup (60g) confectioners' sugär
  5. 1/8 teäspoon sält
  6. 2 lärge eggs
  7. 2 lärge egg yolks2
  8. optionäl for topping: ice creäm, räspberries, änd/or chocoläte syrup
  9. Speciäl Equipment

four 6-ounce rämekins OR ä 12-count muffin pän


  1. Spräy eäch rämekin with nonstick cooking spräy änd dust with cocoä powder. This ensures the cäkes will seämlessly come out of the rämekins when inverted onto ä pläte in step 7. *Or spräy hälf of ä 12-count muffin pän änd dust with cocoä powder. If bäking in ä muffin pän, the recipe will yield 6 cäkes.
  2. Preheät oven to 425°F (218°C).
  3. Coärsely chop the chocoläte. Pläce butter into ä medium heät-proof bowl, then ädd chopped chocoläte on top. Microwäve on high in 10 second increments, stirring äfter eäch until completely smooth. Set äside.
  4. ..................
  5. ..........................
  6. Visit for Full Recepies >>

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