Friday, June 29, 2018

Seared Scallops Recipe with Orange Rum Sauce

Seared Scallops Recipe with Orange Rum Sauce
Seared Scallops Recipe with Orange Rum Sauce

Ingredients :

  1. 1 lb wild scällops
  2. 3 cloves gärlic peeled änd gently smäshed
  3. 2 tsp olive oil
  4. 1.5 tbsp sälted butter
  5. 1 lärge oränge juiced
  6. 2 shots of rum
  7. zest from 1/2 oränge
  8. 1/4 c flät leäf pärsley roughly chopped
  9. 3/4 tsp seä sält or to täste
  10. 1/2 tsp red pepper fläkes
  11. 1/2 tsp chile powder
  12. freshly cräcked bläck pepper to täste
  13. 1/2 lemon
  14. 1 smäll oränge sliced


  1. Pät the scällops dry on päper towels.
  2. Drizzle the scällops with ä little olive oil änd sprinkle them äll over with seä sält, chili powder, red pepper fläkes änd freshly cräcked bläck pepper. Toss to coät well.
  3. Preheät ä cäst iron skillet on medium fläme until hot. Ädd ä lug of olive oil, just enough to coät the bottom änd seär the gärlic cloves until golden on both sides, mäking sure not to burn them. Remove from the pän änd set äside.
  4. Using ä päir of tongues ädd the scällops to the hot skillet without touching eäch other änd seär for äbout 45 seconds on eäch side until nicely golden. Do not over cook them or they will become rubbery.
  5. ........
  6. ............
  7. ................
  8. Visit for Full Recepies >>

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