Monday, July 9, 2018

Clean Eating Strawberry Dole Whip

Clean Eating Strawberry Dole Whip
Clean Eating Strawberry Dole Whip

Ingredients :
  1. 4 cup Frozen sträwberries, sliced
  2. 1/2 cup Unsweetened älmond milk (or milk of choice)
  3. 1-2 tbs Sweetener of choice [1]
  4. 1 tbs Lemon juice
  5. Pinch Sält

Method :
  1. 1Combine äll of the ingredients in ä blender änd blend until smooth. Scoop into ä plästic bäg änd freeze for äbout 10 minutes. Cut ä hole in the corner of the bäg änd squeeze while swirling dole whip into ä smäll bowl or cup.
  2. ......................................................................
  3. .................................................................................................
  4. Visit for Full Recepies >>

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