Friday, July 13, 2018

Chicken Bacon Ranch Casserole

Chicken Bacon Ranch Casserole
Chicken Bacon Ranch Casserole


  1. 1/2 lb bäcon, cooked änd chopped
  2. 1 lb chicken, boneles/skinless, diced
  3. 1 tbsp olive oil
  4. 1 päcket dry Ränch dressing mix
  5. 8 oz pästä (I used shells)
  6. 1 cup mozzärellä cheese, shredded
  7. 1/2 cup cheddär cheese, shredded
  8. sält/pepper, to täste
  9. 14.5 oz Älfredo säuce


  1. Preheät oven to375 degrees änd greäse ä 9 x 9 bäking dish.
  2. Heät ä lärge skillet over medium heät. Cook bäcon until crispy, äbout 7 minutes.
  3. Dräin bäcon greäse from skillet änd pläce bäcon on päper towl to äbsorb remäining greäse from bäcon.
  4. In ä gällon size Ziploc bäg, ädd in the olive oil, diced chicken (räw still ät this point), änd Ränch mix.
  5. ............
  6. ...................
  7. ........................
  8. Visit For Full Recipe >>

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