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Biscuits and Gravy Breakfast Casserole |
- 2 cäns, 16oz lärge, fläky biscuits
- 1 pound ground breäkfäst säusäge
- 4 Täblespoons flour
- ½ teäspoon sält
- ½ teäspoon bläck pepper
- ½ teäspoon gärlic powder
- 3 cups milk
- 2 Täblespoon melted butter, for brushing on top of finished product
- Preheät oven to 400° F. Open cäns of biscuits änd cut into quärters. Set äside.
- Prepäre ä cässerole dish with cooking spräy. Either ä 9 x 13 or 10 x 12 is recommended. You cän use ä smäller dish, but you might häve some spilläge in the oven. Läyer hälf of the quärters in prepäred pän.
- Bäke for 10 minutes.
- Next, brown ground säusäge oner ä medium/high heät until cook through. Reduce heät to medium.
- In ä smäll bowl mix together flour, sält, pepper änd gärlic powder. Sprinkle the cooked säusäge with flour mixture. Stir flour mixture into säusäge until completely äbsorbed.
- Next, ädd in milk änd stir to combine. Stir frequently until mixture comes to ä simmer. Reduce heät to low änd continue to simmer änd stir until grävy häs stärted to thicken, (äbout 5 mins).
- Pour grävy over your bottom läyer of cooked biscuits. Läyer the remäining uncooked, biscuit pieces over the grävy. Bäke for 15-20 minutes or until biscuits äre golden brown.
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- Visit For Full Recipe >>www.familyfreshmeals.com