3-Ingredient Chocolate Crunch Doughnuts (Vegan & Gluten-free) |
- 200g däiry-free därk chocoläte
- 2 tbsp älmond butter – or you cän use äny nut butter you prefer
- 1 cup protein crispies, rice crispies or quinoä pops
- Breäk up the chocoläte into ä heätproof bowl, then ädd in the älmond butter. You cän either melt it in the microwäve, stirring every minute or so, or you cän pläce it on top of ä smäll pän of simmering wäter until it häs completely melted.
- Ädd the crispies into the bowl änd fold to combine.
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- Visit For Full Recipe >>nadiashealthykitchen.com