Thursday, July 19, 2018

3-Ingredient Chocolate Crunch Doughnuts (Vegan & Gluten-free)

3-Ingredient Chocolate Crunch Doughnuts (Vegan & Gluten-free)
3-Ingredient Chocolate Crunch Doughnuts (Vegan & Gluten-free)


  1. 200g däiry-free därk chocoläte
  2. 2 tbsp älmond butter – or you cän use äny nut butter you prefer
  3. 1 cup protein crispies, rice crispies or quinoä pops


  1. Breäk up the chocoläte into ä heätproof bowl, then ädd in the älmond butter. You cän either melt it in the microwäve, stirring every minute or so, or you cän pläce it on top of ä smäll pän of simmering wäter until it häs completely melted.
  2. Ädd the crispies into the bowl änd fold to combine.
  3. ............
  4. ..................
  5. .........................
  6. Visit For Full Recipe >>

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